Thursday, November 14, 2013

Homework due Monday November 18
Answer the following questions:
  1. What does the equation E=mc2 mean?
  2. Define Fission
  3. Define Fusion
  4. What is binding energy?
  5. Which nucleus has the largest binding energy?
  6. Nuclei larger than ____ come apart by themselves. Why?
  7. Explain how fission can be an energy source.
  8. Explain how fusion can be an energy source.
  9. When were hydrogen and most of the helium made?
  10. How are stars powered?
  11. How are elements heavier than helium, but lighter than iron made?
  12. How are elements heavier than iron made?
  13. Why is iron a limit for element formation?

Fission & Fusion Videos:

Element Formation Videos:

Book Chapter 16 Radioactivity

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