Homework due Monday November 18
Answer the following questions:
- What does the equation E=mc2 mean?
- Define Fission
- Define Fusion
- What is binding energy?
- Which nucleus has the largest binding energy?
- Nuclei larger than ____ come apart by themselves. Why?
- Explain how fission can be an energy source.
- Explain how fusion can be an energy source.
- When were hydrogen and most of the helium made?
- How are stars powered?
- How are elements heavier than helium, but lighter than iron made?
- How are elements heavier than iron made?
- Why is iron a limit for element formation?
Fission & Fusion Videos:
Article about nuclear fusion: http://science.howstuffworks.com/fusion-reactor.htm
Element Formation Videos:
Book Chapter 16 Radioactivity